Week 1 Day 4-Renewing the Mind 101

Week 1 – Renewing the Mind 101

Day 4 - Spending Time with God

Many times I have seen people substitute their quiet time with the Lord for mind renewal sessions. Let us not do this as I have found that it can turn renewing the mind into yet another set of “works” that we accomplish.

There are a number of disciplines that have been mentioned on Day 4 that is key for ensuring that our renewing of the mind is of great success. Prayer, silence, abiding in the word, fasting & worship build and cultivate our relationship with Jesus.

Do you struggle with any of these? What do you need to do to strengthen any of these areas?

Have a look at your schedule and ask the Lord how to implement the above foundations into your life.

Ensure that before you start your mind renewal each day as a minimum have a few moments of thanksgiving and praise.

The Lord enjoys being with you today!

God Bless

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